The Home Builders Association of Northwest Michigan (HBANWMI) and the Northwest Michigan Skilled Trades Foundation promotes and supports residential building in our eight-county area, with a focus on education. Through scholarships, the HBANWMI and its foundation support students in our area who have chosen to make skilled construction trades their career choice. They are the future of Northern Michigan and they are tomorrow's employees that employers are desperately in need of today.
Scholarships are awarded on an annual basis. Since 1984, 129 scholarships have been awarded, for a total of $107,798.42 in support of NMC and its students.
Spring 2025 Scholarships Are Open!
​Scholarship recipients will be announced at the HBANWMI General Membership Meeting in May 2025.
Multiple applicants may be awarded. Scholarships are available for multiple years for each applicant.
- Field of study MUST be related to the home building industry. This includes the skilled trades and supporting industries.​
- Must be a resident of Antrim, Benzie, Grand Traverse, Leelanau, Kalkaska, Manistee, Missaukee, or Wexford counties.
- Minimum cumulative grade point average must be at least 2.5 on a 4-point scale. A copy of current transcripts/grade report must be provided.
- Demonstrated community involvement, leadership, and/or service.
- Applicants are encouraged to submit a letter of reference/recommendation as a supplement to the application, preferably written by an active member of the Home Builders Association of Northwest Michigan
Fall 2025
Northwest Michigan Skilled Trades Foundation FALL SCHOLARSHIP - Scholarships will be awarded for the 2026/2027 academic year. Scholarship recipients will be recognized at the Foundation Scholarship Awards Dinner to be held in the fall of 2025.
Multiple applicants may be awarded. Scholarships are available multiple years for each applicant.
- Applicant’s chosen field of study must relate to the home building industry, including construction trades and supporting industries: landscaping, mortgage lending, architectural design, kitchen design, accounting, energy, environmental, interior design, real estate, and utilities. Or the automotive industry to include engineering technicians, service techs & mechanics, electronic equipment installers & repairers, body repairers, or other areas related to the automotive industry.
- Must be a resident of one of the eight counties we serve: Antrim, Benzie, Grand Traverse, Kalkaska, Leelanau, Manistee, Missaukee, or Wexford County.
- Must be a high school graduate or set to graduate in the spring of 2025 or sooner. Must provide proof of current transcript, grade report, or Certificate of Completion.
- Must be registered for a college or a vocational school for the 2025/2026 academic year.
- Must demonstrate community involvement, leadership, and/or service.
- Applicants are encouraged to submit a letter of reference/recommendation as a supplement to their application, preferably written by an active Home Builders Association of Northwest Michigan member.
Scholarship Recipients
Fall 2024 Recipients
- Aaron Mann
- Alan Merrill
- Andrew Sysko
- Annika Beaver
- Collin Egeler
- Elyott Hunt
- Jack Shannen
- Jacob Hagerrman
- Kenneth Mongar
- Luke Gallagher
- Luke Shannen
- Madison Evans
- Karma Mroz
- Nicholas Picardat
- Zachary Bryan
- Zedric Sirrine
Spring 2024 Recipients
- Hayden Lance
- Madilyn McLean
- Taylor Keefe