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Membership Benefits

Most of us can easily say that without the support of our peers and the professional organization to which we belong, we would not be nearly as successful. Members have the opportunity to be a part of an association that is developing skilled trades through school/student outreach and scholarships!
HBA members find great value in their membership by belonging to a unique professional organization committed to a higher standard, and upholding good business practices within the industry. Members provide critical support to the Home Building industry through membership and gain meaningful exposure through:

The HBANWMI Public Relations Committee is actively marketing the HBANWMI to inform the community of our industry professionals, driving business to our members.

Attend General Membership Meetings. Get involved in events. Volunteer on a committee or Board of Directors.

​The HBANWMI offers educational courses for members to keep current on topics that are vital to the construction and home-building industry.

​Legislative Watchdog
​​The HBA actively lobbies and monitors local state and federal legislation and regulations to ensure that our members’ business interests are well-represented and protected.

Sponsorship opportunities, prominent listing, and website link on the HBANWMI website.

Member Discounts
Discounts are available to members through the HBANWMI, HBA of Michigan (HBAM), and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB).

Large Conference Room
Available for members to hold client meetings or planning sessions at no cost.

Builder & Inspector Forums
Developed for our builders only, bi-annual meetings are held to bring local inspectors and builders together to discuss code updates and ways to make the inspection process smoother.

Members reap the benefits of ​increased credibility, broadened knowledge, and lifelong friendships.
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